This article illustrates how to download stock price data files from Google, save it into a local drive and merge them into a single data frame. This script is slightly modified from a script which downloads RStudio package download log data. The original source can be found here.

First of all, the following three packages are used.


The script begins with creating a folder to save data files.

1# create data folder
2dataDir <- paste0("data","_","2014-11-20-Download-Stock-Data-1")
3if(file.exists(dataDir)) { 
4      unlink(dataDir, recursive = TRUE)
5      dir.create(dataDir)
6} else {
7      dir.create(dataDir)

After creating urls and file paths, files are downloaded using Map function - it is a warpper of mapply. Note that, in case the function breaks by an error (eg when a file doesn’t exist), download.file is wrapped by another function that includes an error handler (tryCatch).

 1# assumes codes are known beforehand
 2codes <- c("MSFT", "TCHC") # codes <- c("MSFT", "1234") for testing
 3urls <- paste0("",
 4               codes,"&output=csv")
 5paths <- paste0(dataDir,"/",codes,".csv") # back slash on windows (\\)
 7# simple error handling in case file doesn't exists
 8downloadFile <- function(url, path, ...) {
 9      # remove file if exists already
10      if(file.exists(path)) file.remove(path)
11      # download file
12      tryCatch(            
13            download.file(url, path, ...), error = function(c) {
14                  # remove file if error
15                  if(file.exists(path)) file.remove(path)
16                  # create error message
17                  c$message <- paste(substr(path, 1, 4),"failed")
18                  message(c$message)
19            }
20      )
22# wrapper of mapply
23Map(downloadFile, urls, paths)

Finally files are read back using llply and they are combined using rbind_all. Note that, as the merged data has multiple stocks’ records, Code column is created.

 1# read all csv files and merge
 2files <- dir(dataDir, = TRUE)
 3dataList <- llply(files, function(file){
 4      data <- read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 5      # get code from file path
 6      pattern <- "/[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]"
 7      code <- substr(str_extract(file, pattern), 2, nchar(str_extract(file, pattern)))
 8      # first column's name is funny
 9      names(data) <- c("Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume")
10      data$Date <- dmy(data$Date)
11      data$Open <- as.numeric(data$Open)
12      data$High <- as.numeric(data$High)
13      data$Low <- as.numeric(data$Low)
14      data$Close <- as.numeric(data$Close)
15      data$Volume <- as.integer(data$Volume)
16      data$Code <- code
17      data
18}, .progress = "text")
20data <- rbind_all(dataList)

Some of the values are shown below.


This way wouldn’t be efficient compared to the way where files are read directly without being saved into a local drive. This option may be useful, however, if files are large and the API server breaks connection abrubtly.

I hope this article is useful and I’m going to write an article to show the second way.