Apache Flink is an open-source, unified stream-processing and batch-processing framework. Its core is a distributed streaming data-flow engine that you can use to run real-time stream processing on high-throughput data sources. Currently, it is widely used to build applications for fraud/anomaly detection, rule-based alerting, business process monitoring, and continuous ETL to name a few. On AWS, we can deploy a Flink application via Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA), Amazon EMR and Amazon EKS. Among those, KDA is the easiest option as it provides the underlying infrastructure for your Apache Flink applications.

There are a number of AWS workshops and blog posts where we can learn Flink development on AWS and one of those is AWS Kafka and DynamoDB for real time fraud detection. While this workshop targets a Flink application on KDA, it would have been easier if it illustrated local development before moving into deployment via KDA. In this series of posts, we will re-implement the fraud detection application of the workshop for those who are new to Flink and KDA. Specifically the app will be developed locally using Docker in part 1, and it will be deployed via KDA in part 2.

[Update 2023-08-30] Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is renamed into Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink. In this post, Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA) and Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink will be used interchangeably.


There are two Python applications that send transaction and flagged account records into the corresponding topics - the transaction app sends records indefinitely in a loop. Both the topics are consumed by a Flink application, and it filters the transactions from the flagged accounts followed by sending them into an output topic of flagged transactions. Finally, the flagged transaction records are sent into a DynamoDB table by the Camel DynamoDB sink connector in order to serve real-time requests from an API.


The Kafka cluster, Kafka connect and management app (kpow) are created using Docker while the python apps including the Flink app run in a virtual environment. The source can be found in the GitHub repository of this post.


As discussed later, the Flink application needs the Kafka connector artifact (flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.15.2.jar) in order to connect a Kafka cluster. Also, the source of the Camel DynamoDB sink connector should be available in the Kafka connect service. They can be downloaded by executing the following script.

 1# build.sh
 2#!/usr/bin/env bash
 5SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)"
 7#### Steps to package the flink app
 9rm -rf $SRC_PATH && mkdir -p $SRC_PATH/lib
11## Download flink sql connector kafka
12echo "download flink sql connector kafka..."
18## Install pip packages
19echo "install and zip pip packages..."
20pip3 install -r requirements.txt --target $SRC_PATH/site_packages
22if [ $PKG_ALL == "yes" ]; then
23  ## Package pyflink app
24  echo "package pyflink app"
25  zip -r kda-package.zip processor.py package/lib package/site_packages
28#### Steps to create the sink connector
30rm -rf $CONN_PATH && mkdir $CONN_PATH
32## Download camel dynamodb sink connector
33echo "download camel dynamodb sink connector..."
36## decompress and zip contents to create custom plugin of msk connect later
37curl -o $CONN_PATH/camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector.tar.gz $CONNECTOR_SRC_DOWNLOAD_URL \
38  && tar -xvzf $CONN_PATH/camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector.tar.gz -C $CONN_PATH \
39  && cd $CONN_PATH/camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector \
40  && zip -r camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector.zip . \
41  && mv camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector.zip $CONN_PATH \
42  && rm $CONN_PATH/camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector.tar.gz

Once downloaded, they can be found in the corresponding folders as shown below. Although the Flink app doesn’t need the kafka-python package, it is included in the site_packages folder in order to check if --pyFiles option works in KDA - it’ll be checked in part 2.

A Kafka cluster with a single broker and zookeeper node is used in this post. The broker has two listeners and the port 9092 and 29092 are used for internal and external communication respectively. The default number of topic partitions is set to 2. Details about Kafka cluster setup can be found in this post.

A Kafka Connect service is configured to run in a distributed mode. The connect properties file and the source of the Camel DynamoDB sink connector are volume-mapped. Also AWS credentials are added to environment variables as it needs permission to put items into a DynamoDB table. Details about Kafka connect setup can be found in this post.

Finally, the Kpow CE is used for ease of monitoring Kafka topics and related resources. The bootstrap server address and connect REST URL are added as environment variables. See this post for details about Kafka management apps.

 1# docker-compose.yml
 2version: "3.5"
 5  zookeeper:
 6    image: bitnami/zookeeper:3.5
 7    container_name: zookeeper
 8    ports:
 9      - "2181"
10    networks:
11      - kafkanet
12    environment:
14    volumes:
15      - zookeeper_data:/bitnami/zookeeper
16  kafka-0:
17    image: bitnami/kafka:2.8.1
18    container_name: kafka-0
19    expose:
20      - 9092
21    ports:
22      - "29092:29092"
23    networks:
24      - kafkanet
25    environment:
27      - KAFKA_CFG_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181
31      - KAFKA_CFG_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=INTERNAL://kafka-0:9092,EXTERNAL://localhost:29092
34    volumes:
35      - kafka_0_data:/bitnami/kafka
36    depends_on:
37      - zookeeper
38  kafka-connect:
39    image: bitnami/kafka:2.8.1
40    container_name: connect
41    command: >
42      /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/connect-distributed.sh
43      /opt/bitnami/kafka/config/connect-distributed.properties      
44    ports:
45      - "8083:8083"
46    networks:
47      - kafkanet
48    environment:
52    volumes:
53      - "./configs/connect-distributed.properties:/opt/bitnami/kafka/config/connect-distributed.properties"
54      - "./connectors/camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector:/opt/connectors/camel-aws-ddb-sink-kafka-connector"
55    depends_on:
56      - zookeeper
57      - kafka-0
58  kpow:
59    image: factorhouse/kpow-ce:91.2.1
60    container_name: kpow
61    ports:
62      - "3000:3000"
63    networks:
64      - kafkanet
65    environment:
66      BOOTSTRAP: kafka-0:9092
67      CONNECT_REST_URL: http://kafka-connect:8083
68    depends_on:
69      - zookeeper
70      - kafka-0
71      - kafka-connect
74  kafkanet:
75    name: kafka-network
78  zookeeper_data:
79    driver: local
80    name: zookeeper_data
81  kafka_0_data:
82    driver: local
83    name: kafka_0_data

DynamoDB Table

The destination table is named flagged-transactions, and it has the primary key where transaction_id and transaction_date are the hash and range key respectively. It also has a global secondary index (GSI) where account_id and transaction_date constitute the primary key. The purpose of the GSI is for ease of querying transactions by account ID. The table can be created using the AWS CLI as shown below.

1aws dynamodb create-table \
2  --cli-input-json file://configs/ddb.json
 1// configs/ddb.json
 3  "TableName": "flagged-transactions",
 4  "KeySchema": [
 5    { "AttributeName": "transaction_id", "KeyType": "HASH" },
 6    { "AttributeName": "transaction_date", "KeyType": "RANGE" }
 7  ],
 8  "AttributeDefinitions": [
 9    { "AttributeName": "transaction_id", "AttributeType": "S" },
10    { "AttributeName": "account_id", "AttributeType": "N" },
11    { "AttributeName": "transaction_date", "AttributeType": "S" }
12  ],
13  "ProvisionedThroughput": {
14    "ReadCapacityUnits": 2,
15    "WriteCapacityUnits": 2
16  },
17  "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
18    {
19      "IndexName": "account",
20      "KeySchema": [
21        { "AttributeName": "account_id", "KeyType": "HASH" },
22        { "AttributeName": "transaction_date", "KeyType": "RANGE" }
23      ],
24      "Projection": { "ProjectionType": "ALL" },
25      "ProvisionedThroughput": {
26        "ReadCapacityUnits": 2,
27        "WriteCapacityUnits": 2
28      }
29    }
30  ]

Virtual Environment

As mentioned earlier, all Python apps run in a virtual environment, and we need the following pip packages. We use the version 1.15.2 of the apache-flink package because it is the latest supported version by KDA. We also need the kafka-python package for source data generation. The pip packages can be installed by pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.

1# requirements.txt
4# requirements-dev.txt
5-r requirements.txt


Source Data

A single Python script is created for the transaction and flagged account apps. They generate and send source data into Kafka topics. Each of the classes for the flagged account and transaction has the asdict, auto and create methods. The create method generates a list of records where each element is instantiated by the auto method. Those records are sent into the relevant Kafka topic after being converted into a dictionary by the asdict method.

A Kafka producer is created as an attribute of the Producer class. The source records are sent into the relevant topic by the send method. Note that both the key and value of the messages are serialized as json.

Whether to send flagged account or transaction records is determined by an environment variable called DATA_TYPE. We can run those apps as shown below.

  • flagged account - DATE_TYPE=account python producer.py
  • transaction - DATE_TYPE=transaction python producer.py
  1# producer.py
  2import os
  3import datetime
  4import time
  5import json
  6import typing
  7import random
  8import logging
  9import dataclasses
 11from kafka import KafkaProducer
 14    level=logging.INFO,
 15    format="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s",
 16    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
 21class FlagAccount:
 22    account_id: int
 23    flag_date: str
 25    def asdict(self):
 26        return dataclasses.asdict(self)
 28    @classmethod
 29    def auto(cls, account_id: int):
 30        flag_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
 31        return cls(account_id, flag_date)
 33    @staticmethod
 34    def create():
 35        return [FlagAccount.auto(account_id) for account_id in range(1000000001, 1000000010, 2)]
 39class Transaction:
 40    account_id: int
 41    customer_id: str
 42    merchant_type: str
 43    transaction_id: str
 44    transaction_type: str
 45    transaction_amount: float
 46    transaction_date: str
 48    def asdict(self):
 49        return dataclasses.asdict(self)
 51    @classmethod
 52    def auto(cls):
 53        account_id = random.randint(1000000001, 1000000010)
 54        customer_id = f"C{str(account_id)[::-1]}"
 55        merchant_type = random.choice(["Online", "In Store"])
 56        transaction_id = "".join(random.choice("0123456789ABCDEF") for i in range(16))
 57        transaction_type = random.choice(
 58            [
 59                "Grocery_Store",
 60                "Gas_Station",
 61                "Shopping_Mall",
 62                "City_Services",
 63                "HealthCare_Service",
 64                "Food and Beverage",
 65                "Others",
 66            ]
 67        )
 68        transaction_amount = round(random.randint(100, 10000) * random.random(), 2)
 69        transaction_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
 70        return cls(
 71            account_id,
 72            customer_id,
 73            merchant_type,
 74            transaction_id,
 75            transaction_type,
 76            transaction_amount,
 77            transaction_date,
 78        )
 80    @staticmethod
 81    def create(num: int):
 82        return [Transaction.auto() for _ in range(num)]
 85class Producer:
 86    def __init__(self, bootstrap_servers: list, account_topic: str, transaction_topic: str):
 87        self.bootstrap_servers = bootstrap_servers
 88        self.account_topic = account_topic
 89        self.transaction_topic = transaction_topic
 90        self.producer = self.create()
 92    def create(self):
 93        return KafkaProducer(
 94            bootstrap_servers=self.bootstrap_servers,
 95            key_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v, default=self.serialize).encode("utf-8"),
 96            value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v, default=self.serialize).encode("utf-8"),
 97            api_version=(2, 8, 1),
 98        )
100    def send(self, records: typing.Union[typing.List[FlagAccount], typing.List[Transaction]]):
101        for record in records:
102            try:
103                key = {"account_id": record.account_id}
104                topic = self.account_topic
105                if hasattr(record, "transaction_id"):
106                    key["transaction_id"] = record.transaction_id
107                    topic = self.transaction_topic
108                self.producer.send(topic=topic, key=key, value=record.asdict())
109            except Exception as e:
110                raise RuntimeError("fails to send a message") from e
111        self.producer.flush()
113    def serialize(self, obj):
114        if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
115            return obj.isoformat()
116        if isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
117            return str(obj)
118        return obj
121if __name__ == "__main__":
122    producer = Producer(
123        bootstrap_servers=os.getenv("BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS", "localhost:29092").split(","),
124        account_topic=os.getenv("CUSTOMER_TOPIC_NAME", "flagged-accounts"),
125        transaction_topic=os.getenv("TRANSACTION_TOPIC_NAME", "transactions"),
126    )
127    if os.getenv("DATE_TYPE", "account") == "account":
128        producer.send(FlagAccount.create())
129        producer.producer.close()
130    else:
131        max_run = int(os.getenv("MAX_RUN", "-1"))
132        logging.info(f"max run - {max_run}")
133        current_run = 0
134        while True:
135            current_run += 1
136            logging.info(f"current run - {current_run}")
137            if current_run - max_run == 0:
138                logging.info(f"reached max run, finish")
139                producer.producer.close()
140                break
141            producer.send(Transaction.create(5))
142            secs = random.randint(2, 5)
143            logging.info(f"messages sent... wait {secs} seconds")
144            time.sleep(secs)

Once we start the apps, we can check the topics for the source data are created and messages are ingested in Kpow.

Output Data

The Flink application is built using the Table API. We have two Kafka source topics and one output topic. Simply put, we can query the records of the topics as tables of unbounded real-time streams with the Table API. In order to read/write records from/to a Kafka topic, we need to specify the Kafka connector artifact that we downloaded earlier as the pipeline jar. Note we only need to configure the connector jar when we develop the app locally as the jar file will be specified by the --jarfile option for KDA. We also need the application properties file (application_properties.json) in order to be comparable with KDA. The file contains the Flink runtime options in KDA as well as application specific properties. All the properties should be specified when deploying via KDA and, for local development, we keep them as a json file and only the application specific properties are used.

The tables for the source and output topics can be created using SQL with options that are related to the Kafka connector. Key options cover the connector name (connector), topic name (topic), bootstrap server address (properties.bootstrap.servers) and format (format). See the connector document for more details about the connector configuration. When it comes to inserting flagged transaction records into the output topic, we use a function written in SQL as well - insert_into_stmt.

In the main method, we create all the source and sink tables after mapping relevant application properties. Then the output records are inserted into the output Kafka topic. Note that the output records are printed in the terminal additionally when the app is running locally for ease of checking them. We can run the app as following - RUNTIME_ENV=LOCAL python processor.py

  1# processor.py
  2import os
  3import json
  4import logging
  6import kafka  # check if --pyFiles works
  7from pyflink.table import EnvironmentSettings, TableEnvironment
 10    level=logging.INFO,
 11    format="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s",
 12    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
 15RUNTIME_ENV = os.environ.get("RUNTIME_ENV", "KDA")  # KDA, LOCAL
 16logging.info(f"runtime environment - {RUNTIME_ENV}...")
 18env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_streaming_mode()
 19table_env = TableEnvironment.create(env_settings)
 22    "/etc/flink/application_properties.json"  # on kda or docker-compose
 23    if RUNTIME_ENV != "LOCAL"
 24    else "application_properties.json"
 27if RUNTIME_ENV != "KDA":
 28    # on non-KDA, multiple jar files can be passed after being delimited by a semicolon
 29    CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
 30    PIPELINE_JAR = "flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.15.2.jar"
 31    table_env.get_config().set(
 32        "pipeline.jars", f"file://{os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'package', 'lib', PIPELINE_JAR)}"
 33    )
 34logging.info(f"app properties file path - {APPLICATION_PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH}")
 36def get_application_properties():
 37    if os.path.isfile(APPLICATION_PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH):
 38        with open(APPLICATION_PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH, "r") as file:
 39            contents = file.read()
 40            properties = json.loads(contents)
 41            return properties
 42    else:
 43        raise RuntimeError(f"A file at '{APPLICATION_PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH}' was not found")
 45def property_map(props: dict, property_group_id: str):
 46    for prop in props:
 47        if prop["PropertyGroupId"] == property_group_id:
 48            return prop["PropertyMap"]
 50def create_flagged_account_source_table(
 51    table_name: str, topic_name: str, bootstrap_servers: str, startup_mode: str
 53    stmt = f"""
 54    CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
 55        account_id BIGINT,
 56        flag_date TIMESTAMP(3)
 57    )
 58    WITH (
 59        'connector' = 'kafka',
 60        'topic' = '{topic_name}',
 61        'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '{bootstrap_servers}',
 62        'properties.group.id' = 'flagged-account-source-group',
 63        'format' = 'json',
 64        'scan.startup.mode' = '{startup_mode}'
 65    )
 66    """
 67    logging.info("flagged account source table statement...")
 68    logging.info(stmt)
 69    return stmt
 71def create_transaction_source_table(
 72    table_name: str, topic_name: str, bootstrap_servers: str, startup_mode: str
 74    stmt = f"""
 75    CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
 76        account_id BIGINT,
 77        customer_id VARCHAR(15),
 78        merchant_type VARCHAR(8),
 79        transaction_id VARCHAR(16),
 80        transaction_type VARCHAR(20),
 81        transaction_amount DECIMAL(10,2),
 82        transaction_date TIMESTAMP(3)
 83    )
 84    WITH (
 85        'connector' = 'kafka',
 86        'topic' = '{topic_name}',
 87        'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '{bootstrap_servers}',
 88        'properties.group.id' = 'transaction-source-group',
 89        'format' = 'json',
 90        'scan.startup.mode' = '{startup_mode}'
 91    )
 92    """
 93    logging.info("transaction source table statement...")
 94    logging.info(stmt)
 95    return stmt
 97def create_flagged_transaction_sink_table(table_name: str, topic_name: str, bootstrap_servers: str):
 98    stmt = f"""
 99    CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
100        account_id BIGINT,
101        customer_id VARCHAR(15),
102        merchant_type VARCHAR(8),
103        transaction_id VARCHAR(16),
104        transaction_type VARCHAR(20),
105        transaction_amount DECIMAL(10,2),
106        transaction_date TIMESTAMP(3)
107    )
108    WITH (
109        'connector' = 'kafka',
110        'topic' = '{topic_name}',
111        'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '{bootstrap_servers}',        
112        'format' = 'json',
113        'key.format' = 'json',
114        'key.fields' = 'account_id;transaction_id',
115        'properties.allow.auto.create.topics' = 'true'
116    )
117    """
118    logging.info("transaction sink table statement...")
119    logging.info(stmt)
120    return stmt
122def create_print_table(table_name: str):
123    return f"""
124    CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
125        account_id BIGINT,
126        customer_id VARCHAR(15),
127        merchant_type VARCHAR(8),
128        transaction_id VARCHAR(16),
129        transaction_type VARCHAR(20),
130        transaction_amount DECIMAL(10,2),
131        transaction_date TIMESTAMP(3)
132    )
133    WITH (
134        'connector' = 'print'
135    )
136    """
138def insert_into_stmt(insert_from_tbl: str, compare_with_tbl: str, insert_into_tbl: str):
139    return f"""
140    INSERT INTO {insert_into_tbl}
141        SELECT l.*
142        FROM {insert_from_tbl} AS l
143        JOIN {compare_with_tbl} AS r
144            ON l.account_id = r.account_id 
145            AND l.transaction_date > r.flag_date
146    """
148def main():
149    ## map consumer/producer properties
150    props = get_application_properties()
151    # consumer for flagged account
152    consumer_0_property_group_key = "consumer.config.0"
153    consumer_0_properties = property_map(props, consumer_0_property_group_key)
154    consumer_0_table_name = consumer_0_properties["table.name"]
155    consumer_0_topic_name = consumer_0_properties["topic.name"]
156    consumer_0_bootstrap_servers = consumer_0_properties["bootstrap.servers"]
157    consumer_0_startup_mode = consumer_0_properties["startup.mode"]
158    # consumer for transactions
159    consumer_1_property_group_key = "consumer.config.1"
160    consumer_1_properties = property_map(props, consumer_1_property_group_key)
161    consumer_1_table_name = consumer_1_properties["table.name"]
162    consumer_1_topic_name = consumer_1_properties["topic.name"]
163    consumer_1_bootstrap_servers = consumer_1_properties["bootstrap.servers"]
164    consumer_1_startup_mode = consumer_1_properties["startup.mode"]
165    # producer
166    producer_0_property_group_key = "producer.config.0"
167    producer_0_properties = property_map(props, producer_0_property_group_key)
168    producer_0_table_name = producer_0_properties["table.name"]
169    producer_0_topic_name = producer_0_properties["topic.name"]
170    producer_0_bootstrap_servers = producer_0_properties["bootstrap.servers"]
171    # print
172    print_table_name = "sink_print"
173    ## create the source table for flagged accounts
174    table_env.execute_sql(
175        create_flagged_account_source_table(
176            consumer_0_table_name,
177            consumer_0_topic_name,
178            consumer_0_bootstrap_servers,
179            consumer_0_startup_mode,
180        )
181    )
182    table_env.from_path(consumer_0_table_name).print_schema()
183    ## create the source table for transactions
184    table_env.execute_sql(
185        create_transaction_source_table(
186            consumer_1_table_name,
187            consumer_1_topic_name,
188            consumer_1_bootstrap_servers,
189            consumer_1_startup_mode,
190        )
191    )
192    table_env.from_path(consumer_1_table_name).print_schema()
193    ## create sink table for flagged accounts
194    table_env.execute_sql(
195        create_flagged_transaction_sink_table(
196            producer_0_table_name, producer_0_topic_name, producer_0_bootstrap_servers
197        )
198    )
199    table_env.from_path(producer_0_table_name).print_schema()
200    table_env.execute_sql(create_print_table("sink_print"))
201    ## insert into sink tables
202    if RUNTIME_ENV == "LOCAL":
203        statement_set = table_env.create_statement_set()
204        statement_set.add_insert_sql(
205            insert_into_stmt(consumer_1_table_name, consumer_0_table_name, producer_0_table_name)
206        )
207        statement_set.add_insert_sql(
208            insert_into_stmt(consumer_1_table_name, consumer_0_table_name, print_table_name)
209        )
210        statement_set.execute().wait()
211    else:
212        table_result = table_env.execute_sql(
213            insert_into_stmt(consumer_1_table_name, consumer_0_table_name, producer_0_table_name)
214        )
215        logging.info(table_result.get_job_client().get_job_status())
218if __name__ == "__main__":
219    main()
 1// application_properties.json
 3  {
 4    "PropertyGroupId": "kinesis.analytics.flink.run.options",
 5    "PropertyMap": {
 6      "python": "processor.py",
 7      "jarfile": "package/lib/flink-sql-connector-kinesis-1.15.2.jar",
 8      "pyFiles": "package/site_packages/"
 9    }
10  },
11  {
12    "PropertyGroupId": "consumer.config.0",
13    "PropertyMap": {
14      "table.name": "flagged_accounts",
15      "topic.name": "flagged-accounts",
16      "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092",
17      "startup.mode": "earliest-offset"
18    }
19  },
20  {
21    "PropertyGroupId": "consumer.config.1",
22    "PropertyMap": {
23      "table.name": "transactions",
24      "topic.name": "transactions",
25      "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092",
26      "startup.mode": "earliest-offset"
27    }
28  },
29  {
30    "PropertyGroupId": "producer.config.0",
31    "PropertyMap": {
32      "table.name": "flagged_transactions",
33      "topic.name": "flagged-transactions",
34      "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092"
35    }
36  }

The terminal on the right-hand side shows the output records of the Flink app while the left-hand side records logs of the transaction app. We see that the account IDs end with all odd numbers, which matches transactions from flagged accounts.

We can also see details of all the topics in Kpow as shown below.

Sink Output Data

Kafka Connect provides a REST API that manages connectors, and we can create a connector programmatically using it. The REST endpoint requires a JSON payload that includes connector configurations.

1$ curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H  "Content-Type:application/json" \
2  http://localhost:8083/connectors/ -d @configs/sink.json

The connector is configured to write messages from the flagged-transactions topic into the DynamoDB table created earlier. It requires to specify the table name, AWS region, operation, write capacity and whether to use the default credential provider - see the documentation for details. Note that, if you don’t use the default credential provider, you have to specify the access key id and secret access key. Note further that, although the current LTS version is v3.18.2, the default credential provider option didn’t work for me, and I was recommended to use v3.20.3 instead. Finally, the camel.sink.unmarshal option is to convert data from the internal java.util.HashMap type into the required java.io.InputStream type. Without this configuration, the connector fails with org.apache.camel.NoTypeConversionAvailableException error.

 1// configs/sink.json
 3  "name": "transactions-sink",
 4  "config": {
 5    "connector.class": "org.apache.camel.kafkaconnector.awsddbsink.CamelAwsddbsinkSinkConnector",
 6    "tasks.max": "2",
 7    "key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
 8    "key.converter.schemas.enable": false,
 9    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
10    "value.converter.schemas.enable": false,
11    "topics": "flagged-transactions",
13    "camel.kamelet.aws-ddb-sink.table": "flagged-transactions",
14    "camel.kamelet.aws-ddb-sink.region": "ap-southeast-2",
15    "camel.kamelet.aws-ddb-sink.operation": "PutItem",
16    "camel.kamelet.aws-ddb-sink.writeCapacity": 1,
17    "camel.kamelet.aws-ddb-sink.useDefaultCredentialsProvider": true,
18    "camel.sink.unmarshal": "jackson"
19  }

Below shows the sink connector details on Kpow.

We can check the ingested records on the DynamoDB table items view. Below shows a list of scanned records.


Apache Flink is widely used for building real-time stream processing applications. On AWS, Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA) is the easiest option to develop a Flink app as it provides the underlying infrastructure. Re-implementing a solution from an AWS workshop, this series of posts discuss how to develop and deploy a fraud detection app using Kafka, Flink and DynamoDB. In this post, we covered local development using Docker, and deployment via KDA will be discussed in part 2.