We develop an Apache Beam pipeline that separates *droppable *elements from the rest of the data. Droppable elements are those that come later when the watermark passes the window max timestamp plus allowed lateness. Using a timer in a Stateful DoFn, droppable data is separated from normal data and dispatched into a side output rather than being discarded silently, which is the default behaviour. Note that this pipeline works in a situation where droppable elements do not appear often, and thus the chance that a droppable element is delivered as the first element in a particular window is low.

Development Environment

The development environment has an Apache Flink cluster, Apache Kafka cluster and gRPC server. For Flink, we can use either an embedded cluster or a local cluster while Docker Compose is used for the rest. See Part 1 for details about how to set up the development environment. The source of this post can be found in this GitHub repository.

Manage Environment

The Flink and Kafka clusters and gRPC server are managed by the following bash scripts.

  • ./setup/start-flink-env.sh
  • ./setup/stop-flink-env.sh

Those scripts accept four flags: -f, -k and -g to start/stop individual resources or -a to manage all of them. We can add multiple flags to start/stop relevant resources. Note that the scripts assume Flink 1.18.1 by default, and we can specify a specific Flink version if it is different from it e.g. FLINK_VERSION=1.17.2 ./setup/start-flink-env.sh.

Below shows how to start resources using the start-up script. We need to launch both the Flink and Kafka clusters if we deploy a Beam pipeline on a local Flink cluster. Otherwise, we can start the Kafka cluster only.

 1## start a local flink can kafka cluster
 2./setup/start-flink-env.sh -f -k
 3# start kafka...
 4# [+] Running 6/6
 5#  ⠿ Network app-network      Created                                     0.0s
 6#  ⠿ Volume "zookeeper_data"  Created                                     0.0s
 7#  ⠿ Volume "kafka_0_data"    Created                                     0.0s
 8#  ⠿ Container zookeeper      Started                                     0.3s
 9#  ⠿ Container kafka-0        Started                                     0.5s
10#  ⠿ Container kafka-ui       Started                                     0.8s
11# start flink 1.18.1...
12# Starting cluster.
13# Starting standalonesession daemon on host <hostname>.
14# Starting taskexecutor daemon on host <hostname>.
16## start a local kafka cluster only
17./setup/start-flink-env.sh -k
18# start kafka...
19# [+] Running 6/6
20#  ⠿ Network app-network      Created                                     0.0s
21#  ⠿ Volume "zookeeper_data"  Created                                     0.0s
22#  ⠿ Volume "kafka_0_data"    Created                                     0.0s
23#  ⠿ Container zookeeper      Started                                     0.3s
24#  ⠿ Container kafka-0        Started                                     0.5s
25#  ⠿ Container kafka-ui       Started                                     0.8s

Kafka Producer

We create a Kafka producer using the kafka-python package. It generates text messages with the Faker package and sends them to an input topic. Note that we randomly shift back message creation timestamps to simulate late data, and about 20 percent of messages are affected - see below for details about how Beam’s KafkaIO utilises Kafka message timestamp instead of processing timestamp. We can run the producer simply by executing the producer script.

 1# utils/faker_shifted_gen.py
 2import time
 3import argparse
 5from faker import Faker
 6from producer import TextProducer
 8if __name__ == "__main__":
 9    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__file__, description="Fake Text Data Generator")
10    parser.add_argument(
11        "--bootstrap_servers",
12        "-b",
13        type=str,
14        default="localhost:29092",
15        help="Comma separated string of Kafka bootstrap addresses",
16    )
17    parser.add_argument(
18        "--topic_name",
19        "-t",
20        type=str,
21        default="input-topic",
22        help="Kafka topic name",
23    )
24    parser.add_argument(
25        "--max_shift_seconds",
26        "-m",
27        type=float,
28        default=15,
29        help="The maximum amount of time that a message create stamp is shifted back.",
30    )
31    parser.add_argument(
32        "--delay_seconds",
33        "-d",
34        type=float,
35        default=1,
36        help="The amount of time that a record should be delayed.",
37    )
38    args = parser.parse_args()
40    producer = TextProducer(args.bootstrap_servers, args.topic_name)
41    fake = Faker()
42    Faker.seed(1237)
44    while True:
45        text = fake.text(max_nb_chars=10)
46        current = int(time.time())
47        shift = 0
48        if fake.random_int(min=0, max=9) < 2:
49            shift = fake.random_element(range(args.max_shift_seconds))
50        shifted = current - shift
51        producer.send_to_kafka(text=text, timestamp_ms=shifted * 1000)
52        print(
53            f"text - {text}, ts - {current}, shift - {shift} secs - shifted ts {shifted}"
54        )
55        time.sleep(args.delay_seconds)

The producer app sends the input messages using the following Kafka producer class.

 1# utils/producer.py
 2from kafka import KafkaProducer
 5class TextProducer:
 6    def __init__(self, bootstrap_servers: list, topic_name: str) -> None:
 7        self.bootstrap_servers = bootstrap_servers
 8        self.topic_name = topic_name
 9        self.kafka_producer = self.create_producer()
11    def create_producer(self):
12        """
13        Returns a KafkaProducer instance
14        """
15        return KafkaProducer(
16            bootstrap_servers=self.bootstrap_servers,
17            value_serializer=lambda v: v.encode("utf-8"),
18        )
20    def send_to_kafka(self, text: str, timestamp_ms: int = None):
21        """
22        Sends text to a Kafka topic.
23        """
24        try:
25            args = {"topic": self.topic_name, "value": text}
26            if timestamp_ms is not None:
27                args = {**args, **{"timestamp_ms": timestamp_ms}}
28            self.kafka_producer.send(**args)
29            self.kafka_producer.flush()
30        except Exception as e:
31            raise RuntimeError("fails to send a message") from e

When we run the Kafka producer, it prints messages and associating timestamps. As mentioned, the shifted timestamp values are recorded as message timestamps.

 1python utils/faker_shifted_gen.py 
 2text - Church., ts - 1729476924, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476924
 3text - For., ts - 1729476925, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476925
 4text - Have., ts - 1729476926, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476926
 5text - Health., ts - 1729476927, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476927
 6text - Join., ts - 1729476928, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476928
 7text - Nice., ts - 1729476929, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476929
 8text - New., ts - 1729476930, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476930
 9text - Executive., ts - 1729476931, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476931
10text - Memory., ts - 1729476932, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476932
11text - Charge., ts - 1729476933, shift - 11 secs - shifted ts 1729476922
12text - Indeed., ts - 1729476934, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476934
13text - Say then., ts - 1729476935, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476935
14text - Eat nice., ts - 1729476936, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476936
15text - Possible., ts - 1729476937, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476937
16text - Protect., ts - 1729476938, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476938
17text - Shake., ts - 1729476939, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476939
18text - Newspaper., ts - 1729476940, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476940
19text - Language., ts - 1729476941, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476941
20text - Forward., ts - 1729476942, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476942
21text - Order., ts - 1729476943, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476943
22text - Thank., ts - 1729476944, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476944
23text - Growth., ts - 1729476945, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476945
24text - Structure., ts - 1729476946, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476946
25text - Those us., ts - 1729476947, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476947
26text - Decade., ts - 1729476948, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476948
27text - College., ts - 1729476949, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476949
28text - Along., ts - 1729476950, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476950
29text - Sense., ts - 1729476951, shift - 9 secs - shifted ts 1729476942
30text - Land skin., ts - 1729476952, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476952
31text - Service., ts - 1729476953, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476953
32text - While., ts - 1729476954, shift - 10 secs - shifted ts 1729476944
33text - Method., ts - 1729476955, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476955
34text - Spend., ts - 1729476956, shift - 14 secs - shifted ts 1729476942
35text - Drive., ts - 1729476957, shift - 0 secs - shifted ts 1729476957

Beam Pipeline

We develop an Apache Beam pipeline that separates *droppable *elements from the rest of the data. Droppable elements are those that come later when the watermark passes the window max timestamp plus allowed lateness. Using a timer in a Stateful DoFn, droppable data is separated from normal data and dispatched into a side output rather than being discarded silently, which is the default behaviour. Note that this pipeline works in a situation where droppable elements do not appear often, and thus the chance that a droppable element is delivered as the first element in a particular window is low.

Shared Source

We have multiple pipelines that read text messages from an input Kafka topic and write outputs to an output topic. Therefore, the data source and sink transforms are refactored into a utility module as shown below. Note that, the Kafka read and write transforms have an argument called deprecated_read, which forces to use the legacy read when it is set to True. We will use the legacy read in this post to prevent a problem that is described in this GitHub issue. Note further that, by default, timestamp policy of the Kafka read transform is configured to use processing timestamp (wall clock), and it is not possible to simulate late data. We change it to use message creation time (create_time_policy) instead so that both the timestamp of elements and watermark propagation are based on Kafka message (creation) timestamp.

 1# chapter3/io_utils.py
 2import re
 3import typing
 5import apache_beam as beam
 6from apache_beam import pvalue
 7from apache_beam.io import kafka
10def decode_message(kafka_kv: tuple):
11    print(kafka_kv)
12    return kafka_kv[1].decode("utf-8")
15def tokenize(element: str):
16    return re.findall(r"[A-Za-z\']+", element)
19class ReadWordsFromKafka(beam.PTransform):
20    def __init__(
21        self,
22        bootstrap_servers: str,
23        topics: typing.List[str],
24        group_id: str,
25        deprecated_read: bool,
26        verbose: bool = False,
27        label: str | None = None,
28    ) -> None:
29        super().__init__(label)
30        self.boostrap_servers = bootstrap_servers
31        self.topics = topics
32        self.group_id = group_id
33        self.verbose = verbose
34        self.expansion_service = None
35        if deprecated_read:
36            self.expansion_service = kafka.default_io_expansion_service(
37                ["--experiments=use_deprecated_read"]
38            )
40    def expand(self, input: pvalue.PBegin):
41        return (
42            input
43            | "ReadFromKafka"
44            >> kafka.ReadFromKafka(
45                consumer_config={
46                    "bootstrap.servers": self.boostrap_servers,
47                    "auto.offset.reset": "latest",
48                    # "enable.auto.commit": "true",
49                    "group.id": self.group_id,
50                },
51                topics=self.topics,
52                timestamp_policy=kafka.ReadFromKafka.create_time_policy,
53                commit_offset_in_finalize=True,
54                expansion_service=self.expansion_service,
55            )
56            | "DecodeMessage" >> beam.Map(decode_message)
57            | "ExtractWords" >> beam.FlatMap(tokenize)
58        )
61class WriteOutputsToKafka(beam.PTransform):
62    def __init__(
63        self,
64        bootstrap_servers: str,
65        topic: str,
66        deprecated_read: bool,
67        label: str | None = None,
68    ) -> None:
69        super().__init__(label)
70        self.boostrap_servers = bootstrap_servers
71        self.topic = topic
72        self.expansion_service = None
73        if deprecated_read:
74            self.expansion_service = kafka.default_io_expansion_service(
75                ["--experiments=use_deprecated_read"]
76            )
78    def expand(self, pcoll: pvalue.PCollection):
79        return pcoll | "WriteToKafka" >> kafka.WriteToKafka(
80            producer_config={"bootstrap.servers": self.boostrap_servers},
81            topic=self.topic,
82            expansion_service=self.expansion_service,
83        )

Pipeline Source

Once messages are read from Kafka and assigned into a fixed window, the main transform (SplitDroppable) is applied to elements, which dispatches (droppable) late data into a side output. Specifically it performs

  • Reify.Window() - It converts an element in a PCollection into a tuple of element, timestamp, and window.
  • beam.Map(to_kv) | beam.WindowInto(GlobalWindows()) - The tuple element is changed into a key-value pair by taking the window as the key, followed by re-windowing the key-value pair into the Global window. Note that we should use the Global window to prevent from (late) elements being discarded silently when the watermark passes the window GC time (or the watermark passes the window max timestamp plus allowed lateness if you like).
  • beam.ParDo(SplitDroppableDataFn(windowing=windowing)) - Elements are classified as (droppable) late or normal using the window GC timer and split into the main and side output accordingly.
  • Rewindow(windowing=windowing) - Elements in the main output is re-windowed according to its original window function while those in the droppable output are returned as they are.

Below shows the sequence of transforms of the main transform.

  1# chapter3/droppable_data_filter.py
  2import os
  3import argparse
  4import json
  5import re
  6import typing
  7import logging
  9import apache_beam as beam
 10from apache_beam import pvalue, Windowing
 11from apache_beam.transforms.trigger import AccumulationMode
 12from apache_beam.transforms.timeutil import TimeDomain
 13from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import (
 14    ReadModifyWriteStateSpec,
 15    TimerSpec,
 16    on_timer,
 18from apache_beam.transforms.window import (
 19    GlobalWindows,
 20    BoundedWindow,
 21    FixedWindows,
 23from apache_beam.transforms.util import Reify
 24from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import Timestamp
 25from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
 26from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import SetupOptions
 28from io_utils import ReadWordsFromKafka, WriteOutputsToKafka
 30MAIN_OUTPUT = "main_output"
 31DROPPABLE_OUTPUT = "droppable_output"
 34def create_message(
 35    element: typing.Union[typing.Tuple[Timestamp, Timestamp, str], str], is_main: bool
 37    if is_main:
 38        msg = json.dumps(
 39            {
 40                "start": element[0].seconds(),
 41                "end": element[1].seconds(),
 42                "word": element[2],
 43            }
 44        )
 45        key = element[2]
 46    else:
 47        msg = element
 48        key = msg
 49    logging.info(f"{'main' if is_main else 'droppable'} message - {msg}")
 50    return key.encode("utf-8"), msg.encode("utf-8")
 53class SplitDroppable(beam.PTransform):
 54    def expand(self, pcoll):
 55        windowing: Windowing = pcoll.windowing
 56        assert windowing.windowfn != GlobalWindows
 58        def to_kv(
 59            element: typing.Tuple[str, Timestamp, BoundedWindow],
 60        ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
 61            value, timestamp, window = element
 62            return str(window), value
 64        outputs: pvalue.DoOutputsTuple = (
 65            pcoll
 66            | Reify.Window()
 67            | beam.Map(to_kv)
 68            | beam.WindowInto(GlobalWindows())
 69            | beam.ParDo(SplitDroppableDataFn(windowing=windowing))
 70            .with_outputs(DROPPABLE_OUTPUT, main=MAIN_OUTPUT)
 71            .with_input_types(typing.Tuple[str, str])
 72        )
 74        pcolls = {}
 75        pcolls[MAIN_OUTPUT] = outputs[MAIN_OUTPUT]
 76        pcolls[DROPPABLE_OUTPUT] = outputs[DROPPABLE_OUTPUT]
 78        return pcolls | Rewindow(windowing=windowing)
 81class SplitDroppableDataFn(beam.DoFn):
 82    TOO_LATE = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec("too_late", beam.coders.BooleanCoder())
 83    WINDOW_GC_TIMER = TimerSpec("window_gc_timer", TimeDomain.WATERMARK)
 85    def __init__(self, windowing: Windowing):
 86        self.windowing = windowing
 88    def process(
 89        self,
 90        element: typing.Tuple[str, str],
 91        too_late=beam.DoFn.StateParam(TOO_LATE),
 92        window_gc_timer=beam.DoFn.TimerParam(WINDOW_GC_TIMER),
 93    ):
 94        max_ts = self.get_max_ts(element[0])
 95        allowed_lateness_sec = self.windowing.allowed_lateness.micros // 1000000
 96        too_late_for_window = too_late.read() or False
 97        logging.info(f"string (value) - {element[1]}, window (key) {element[0]}")
 98        if too_late_for_window is False:
 99            timer_val = max_ts + allowed_lateness_sec
100            logging.info(f"set up eow timer at {timer_val}")
101            window_gc_timer.set(timer_val)
102        if too_late_for_window is True:
103            yield pvalue.TaggedOutput(DROPPABLE_OUTPUT, element[1])
104        else:
105            yield element[1]
107    @on_timer(WINDOW_GC_TIMER)
108    def on_window_gc_timer(self, too_late=beam.DoFn.StateParam(TOO_LATE)):
109        too_late.write(True)
111    @staticmethod
112    def get_max_ts(window_str: str):
113        """Extract the maximum timestamp of a window string eg) '[0.001, 600.001)'"""
114        bounds = re.findall(r"[\d]+[.\d]+", window_str)
115        assert len(bounds) == 2
116        return float(bounds[1])
119class Rewindow(beam.PTransform):
120    def __init__(self, label: str | None = None, windowing: Windowing = None):
121        super().__init__(label)
122        self.windowing = windowing
124    def expand(self, pcolls):
125        window_fn = self.windowing.windowfn
126        allowed_lateness = self.windowing.allowed_lateness
127        # closing_behavior = self.windowing.closing_behavior # emit always
128        # on_time_behavior = self.windowing.on_time_behavior # fire always
129        timestamp_combiner = self.windowing.timestamp_combiner
130        trigger_fn = self.windowing.triggerfn
131        accumulation_mode = (
132            AccumulationMode.DISCARDING
133            if self.windowing.accumulation_mode == 1
134            else AccumulationMode.ACCUMULATING
135        )
136        main_output = pcolls[MAIN_OUTPUT] | "MainWindowInto" >> beam.WindowInto(
137            windowfn=window_fn,
138            trigger=trigger_fn,
139            accumulation_mode=accumulation_mode,
140            timestamp_combiner=timestamp_combiner,
141            allowed_lateness=allowed_lateness,
142        )
143        return {
144            "main_output": main_output,
145            "droppable_output": pcolls[DROPPABLE_OUTPUT],
146        }
149class AddWindowTS(beam.DoFn):
150    def process(self, element: str, win_param=beam.DoFn.WindowParam):
151        yield (win_param.start, win_param.end, element)
154def run(argv=None, save_main_session=True):
155    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Beam pipeline arguments")
156    parser.add_argument(
157        "--bootstrap_servers",
158        default="host.docker.internal:29092",
159        help="Kafka bootstrap server addresses",
160    )
161    parser.add_argument("--input_topic", default="input-topic", help="Input topic")
162    parser.add_argument("--window_length", default=5, type=int, help="Input topic")
163    parser.add_argument("--allowed_lateness", default=2, type=int, help="Input topic")
164    parser.add_argument(
165        "--output_topic",
166        default=re.sub("_", "-", re.sub(".py$", "", os.path.basename(__file__))),
167        help="Output topic",
168    )
169    parser.add_argument(
170        "--deprecated_read",
171        action="store_true",
172        default="Whether to use a deprecated read. See https://github.com/apache/beam/issues/20979",
173    )
174    parser.set_defaults(deprecated_read=False)
176    known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
178    # # We use the save_main_session option because one or more DoFn's in this
179    # # workflow rely on global context (e.g., a module imported at module level).
180    pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
181    pipeline_options.view_as(SetupOptions).save_main_session = save_main_session
182    print(f"known args - {known_args}")
183    print(f"pipeline options - {pipeline_options.display_data()}")
185    with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
186        outputs = (
187            p
188            | "ReadInputsFromKafka"
189            >> ReadWordsFromKafka(
190                bootstrap_servers=known_args.bootstrap_servers,
191                topics=[known_args.input_topic],
192                group_id=f"{known_args.output_topic}-group",
193                deprecated_read=known_args.deprecated_read,
194            )
195            | "Windowing"
196            >> beam.WindowInto(
197                FixedWindows(known_args.window_length),
198                allowed_lateness=known_args.allowed_lateness,
199                accumulation_mode=AccumulationMode.DISCARDING,
200            )
201            | "SpiltDroppable" >> SplitDroppable()
202        )
204        (
205            outputs[MAIN_OUTPUT]
206            | "AddWindowTimestamp" >> beam.ParDo(AddWindowTS())
207            | "CreateMainMessage"
208            >> beam.Map(create_message, is_main=True).with_output_types(
209                typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]
210            )
211            | "WriteToMainTopic"
212            >> WriteOutputsToKafka(
213                bootstrap_servers=known_args.bootstrap_servers,
214                topic="output-normal-topic",
215                deprecated_read=known_args.deprecated_read,
216            )
217        )
219        (
220            outputs[DROPPABLE_OUTPUT]
221            | "CreateDroppableMessage"
222            >> beam.Map(create_message, is_main=False).with_output_types(
223                typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]
224            )
225            | "WriteToDroppableTopic"
226            >> WriteOutputsToKafka(
227                bootstrap_servers=known_args.bootstrap_servers,
228                topic="output-droppable-topic",
229                deprecated_read=known_args.deprecated_read,
230            )
231        )
233        logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
234        logging.info("Building pipeline ...")
237if __name__ == "__main__":
238    run()

Pipeline Test

As described in this documentation, we can test a Beam pipeline as following.

  1. Create a TestPipeline.
  2. Create some static, known test input data.
  3. Create a PCollection of input data using the Create transform (if bounded source) or a TestStream (if unbounded source)
  4. Apply the transform to the input PCollection and save the resulting output PCollection.
  5. Use PAssert and its subclasses (or testing utils in Python) to verify that the output PCollection contains the elements that you expect.

There are two test cases. The first case has a pipeline that processes elements as described in the following schedule. Therefore, it is expected to return a single droppable element.

  • Watermark propagates to 0
  • First element arrives - value: a, timestamp 3 (normal)
  • Watermark propagates to 6.999
  • Second element arrives - value: b, timestamp 4 (normal)
  • Watermark propagates to 7 (Any elements less than 7 will be considered as late!)
  • Third element arrives - value: c, timestamp 0 (late)

The second case shows a drawback of the pipeline logic where it treats a late element as normal if it comes as the first element. This is because, when such an element is delivered for the first time, the state is empty and timer is not set up properly. Building Big Data Pipelines with Apache Beam that this example is based on has a solution to fix this issue, and you may check the book if interested.

  1# chapter3/droppable_data_filter_test.py
  2import unittest
  4import apache_beam as beam
  5from apache_beam.coders import coders
  6from apache_beam.transforms.window import IntervalWindow
  7from apache_beam.testing.test_pipeline import TestPipeline
  8from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that, equal_to, equal_to_per_window
  9from apache_beam.testing.test_stream import TestStream
 10from apache_beam.transforms.trigger import AccumulationMode
 11from apache_beam.transforms.window import FixedWindows, TimestampedValue
 12from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions, StandardOptions
 13from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import Timestamp
 15from io_utils import tokenize
 16from droppable_data_filter import (
 17    SplitDroppable,
 23class DroppableDataFilterTest(unittest.TestCase):
 24    def test_windowing_behaviour(self):
 25        options = PipelineOptions()
 26        options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming = True
 27        now = 0
 28        # now = int(time.time())
 29        with TestPipeline(options=options) as p:
 30            test_stream = (
 31                TestStream(coder=coders.StrUtf8Coder())
 32                .with_output_types(str)
 33                .advance_watermark_to(Timestamp(seconds=now))
 34                .add_elements(
 35                    [TimestampedValue("a", Timestamp(seconds=now + 3))]
 36                )  # fine, before watermark - on time
 37                .advance_watermark_to(Timestamp(seconds=now + 6.999))
 38                .add_elements(
 39                    [TimestampedValue("b", Timestamp(seconds=now + 4))]
 40                )  # late, but within allowed lateness
 41                .advance_watermark_to(Timestamp(seconds=now + 7))
 42                .add_elements([TimestampedValue("c", now)])  # droppable
 43                .advance_watermark_to_infinity()
 44            )
 46            outputs = (
 47                p
 48                | test_stream
 49                | "ExtractWords" >> beam.FlatMap(tokenize)
 50                | "Windowing"
 51                >> beam.WindowInto(
 52                    FixedWindows(5),
 53                    allowed_lateness=2,
 54                    accumulation_mode=AccumulationMode.DISCARDING,
 55                )
 56                | "SpiltDroppable" >> SplitDroppable()
 57            )
 59            main_expected = {
 60                IntervalWindow(Timestamp(seconds=now), Timestamp(seconds=now + 5)): [
 61                    "a",
 62                    "b",
 63                ],
 64            }
 66            assert_that(
 67                outputs[MAIN_OUTPUT],
 68                equal_to_per_window(main_expected),
 69                reify_windows=True,
 70                label="assert_main",
 71            )
 73            assert_that(
 74                outputs[DROPPABLE_OUTPUT], equal_to(["c"]), label="assert_droppable"
 75            )
 78class DroppableDataFilterTestFail(unittest.TestCase):
 79    @unittest.expectedFailure
 80    def test_windowing_behaviour(self):
 81        options = PipelineOptions()
 82        options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming = True
 83        now = 0
 84        # now = int(time.time())
 85        with TestPipeline(options=options) as p:
 86            test_stream = (
 87                TestStream(coder=coders.StrUtf8Coder())
 88                .with_output_types(str)
 89                .advance_watermark_to(Timestamp(seconds=now + 7.5))
 90                .add_elements(
 91                    [TimestampedValue("c", now)]
 92                )  # should be dropped but not!
 93                .advance_watermark_to_infinity()
 94            )
 96            outputs = (
 97                p
 98                | test_stream
 99                | "Extract words" >> beam.FlatMap(tokenize)
100                | "Windowing"
101                >> beam.WindowInto(
102                    FixedWindows(5),
103                    allowed_lateness=2,
104                    accumulation_mode=AccumulationMode.DISCARDING,
105                )
106                | "SpiltDroppable" >> SplitDroppable()
107            )
109            assert_that(
110                outputs[DROPPABLE_OUTPUT], equal_to(["c"]), label="assert_droppable"
111            )
114if __name__ == "__main__":
115    unittest.main()

We can execute the pipeline test as shown below.

1python chapter3/droppable_data_filter_test.py 
4Ran 2 tests in 0.979s
6OK (expected failures=1)

Pipeline Execution

Note that the Kafka bootstrap server is accessible on port 29092 outside the Docker network, and it can be accessed on localhost:29092 from the Docker host machine and on host.docker.internal:29092 from a Docker container that is launched with the host network. We use both types of the bootstrap server address - the former is used by the Kafka producer app and the latter by a Java IO expansion service, which is launched in a Docker container. Note further that, for the latter to work, we have to update the /etc/hosts file by adding an entry for host.docker.internal as shown below.

1cat /etc/hosts | grep host.docker.internal
2#       host.docker.internal

We need to send messages into the input Kafka topic before executing the pipeline. Input messages can be sent by executing the Kafka text producer - python utils/faker_shifted_gen.py.

When executing the pipeline, we specify only a single known argument that enables to use the legacy read (--deprecated_read) while accepting default values of the other known arguments (bootstrap_servers, input_topic …). The remaining arguments are all pipeline arguments. Note that we deploy the pipeline on a local Flink cluster by specifying the flink master argument (--flink_master=localhost:8081). Alternatively, we can use an embedded Flink cluster if we exclude that argument.

1## start the beam pipeline
2## exclude --flink_master if using an embedded cluster
3python chapter3/droppable_data_filter.py --deprecated_read \
4	--job_name=droppable-data-filter --runner FlinkRunner --flink_master=localhost:8081 \
5	--streaming --environment_type=LOOPBACK --parallelism=3 --checkpointing_interval=10000

On Flink UI, we see the pipeline has two tasks. The first task is until windowing elements in a fixed window while the latter executes the main transform and sends the normal and droppable elements into output topics respectively.

On Kafka UI, we can check messages are sent to the normal and droppable output topics.