
In this post, we build a real-time monitoring dashboard using Next.js, a React framework that supports server-side rendering, static site generation, and full-stack capabilities with built-in performance optimizations. Similar to the Streamlit app we developed in Part 2, this dashboard connects to the WebSocket server from Part 1 to continuously fetch and visualize key metrics such as order counts, sales data, and revenue by traffic source and country. With interactive bar charts and dynamic metrics, users can monitor sales trends and other critical business KPIs in real-time.


In this post, we develop a real-time monitoring dashboard using Streamlit, an open-source Python framework that allows data scientists and AI/ML engineers to create interactive data apps. The app connects to the WebSocket server we developed in Part 1 and continuously fetches data to visualize key metrics such as order counts, sales data, and revenue by traffic source and country. With interactive bar charts and dynamic metrics, users can monitor sales trends and other important business KPIs in real-time.


In this series, we develop real-time monitoring dashboard applications. A data generating app is created with Python, and it ingests the theLook eCommerce data continuously into a PostgreSQL database. A WebSocket server, built by FastAPI, periodically queries the data to serve its clients. The monitoring dashboards will be developed using Streamlit and Next.js, with Apache ECharts for visualization. In this post, we walk through the data generation app and backend API, while the monitoring dashboards will be discussed in later posts.