We'll discuss how to build a serverless data processing application using the Serverless Application Model (SAM). A Lambda function is developed, which is triggered whenever an object is created in a S3 bucket. 3rd party packages are necessary for data processing and they are made available by Lambda layers.
We'll discuss how to set up a development infrastructure on AWS with Terraform. Terraform is used as an effective way of managing resources on AWS. An Aurora PostgreSQL cluster is created in a private subnet and SoftEther VPN is configured to access the database from the developer machine.
Triggering a Lambda function by an EventBridge Events rule can be used as a serverless replacement of cron job. The highest frequency of it is one invocation per minute so that it cannot be used directly if you need to schedule a Lambda function more frequently. In this post, I’ll demonstrate another serverless solution of scheduling a Lambda function at a sub-minute frequency using Amazon SQS.
Authorization is the mechanism that controls who can do what on which resource in an application and it is a critical part of an application. In this post, I'll illustrate how to set up authorization in a GraphQL API using a custom directive and Oso, an open-source authorization library.
Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer. In this post, it'll be demonstrated how path-based routing can be set up by Traefik with Docker. Also a centralized authentication will be illustrated with the Forward Authentication feature of Traefik.
In this post, I'll illustrate how a web service is created using FastAPI framework where tasks are sent to multiple workers. The workers are built with Celery and Rserve. Redis is used as a message broker/result backend for Celery and a key-value store for Rserve. Demos can be run in both Docker Compose and Kubernetes.
In this post, I'll demonstrate how to create a Linux development environment on Windows using WSL. Also an example app (Rserve web service with a sidecar container) on Minikube will be demonstrated.
LocalStack provides an easy-to-use test/mocking framework for developing AWS applications. In this post, I'll demonstrate how to utilize LocalStack for development using a web service.
Cronicle is a multi-server task scheduler and runner. In this post, multi-server configuration of Cronicle will be demonstrated with Docker and Nginx as load balancer.
Although R Shiny added async features but it has limitation when compared to Javascript. In this post, I'll demonstrate how to render htmlwigets in a Vue application in a more performant way as well as how to replace those widgets with native Javascript libraries.