
The value of data can be maximised when it is used without delay. With Apache Flink, we can build streaming analytics applications that incorporate the latest events with low latency. In this lab, we will create a Pyflink application that writes accumulated taxi rides data into an OpenSearch cluster. It aggregates the number of trips/passengers and trip durations by vendor ID for a window of 5 seconds. The data is then used to create a chart that monitors the status of taxi rides in the OpenSearch Dashboard.


In the previous post, we discussed how to develop a data pipeline from Apache Kafka into OpenSearch locally using Docker. The pipeline will be deployed on AWS using Amazon MSK, Amazon MSK Connect and Amazon OpenSearch Service using Terraform in this post. First the infrastructure will be deployed that covers a VPC, VPN server, MSK Cluster and OpenSearch domain. Then Kafka source and sink connectors will be deployed on MSK Connect, followed by performing quick data analysis.


This series updates a real time analytics app based on Amazon Kinesis from an AWS workshop. Data is ingested from multiple sources into a Kafka cluster instead and Flink (Pyflink) apps are used extensively for data ingesting and processing. As an introduction, this post compares the original architecture with the new architecture, and the app will be implemented in subsequent posts.