
In this lab, we will create a Pyflink application that exports Kafka topic messages into a S3 bucket. The app enriches the records by adding a new column using a user defined function and writes them via the FileSystem SQL connector. This allows us to achieve a simpler architecture compared to the original lab where the records are sent into Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, enriched by a separate Lambda function and written to a S3 bucket afterwards. While the records are being written to the S3 bucket, a Glue table will be created to query them on Amazon Athena.


This series updates a real time analytics app based on Amazon Kinesis from an AWS workshop. Data is ingested from multiple sources into a Kafka cluster instead and Flink (Pyflink) apps are used extensively for data ingesting and processing. As an introduction, this post compares the original architecture with the new architecture, and the app will be implemented in subsequent posts.