
Amazon MSK can be configured as an event source of a Lambda function. Lambda internally polls for new messages from the event source and then synchronously invokes the target Lambda function. With this feature, we can develop a Kafka consumer application in serverless environment where developers can focus on application logic. In this lab, we will discuss how to create a Kafka consumer using a Lambda function.


In this lab, we will create a Kafka producer application using AWS Lambda, which sends fake taxi ride data into a Kafka topic on Amazon MSK. A configurable number of the producer Lambda function will be invoked by an Amazon EventBridge schedule rule. In this way we are able to generate test data concurrently based on the desired volume of messages.


This series updates a real time analytics app based on Amazon Kinesis from an AWS workshop. Data is ingested from multiple sources into a Kafka cluster instead and Flink (Pyflink) apps are used extensively for data ingesting and processing. As an introduction, this post compares the original architecture with the new architecture, and the app will be implemented in subsequent posts.


Glue Schema Registry provides a centralized repository for managing and validating schemas for topic message data. Its features can be utilized by many AWS services when building data streaming applications. In this post, we will discuss how to integrate Python Kafka producer and consumer apps in AWS Lambda with the Glue Schema Registry.


Streaming ingestion from Kafka (MSK) into Redshift and Athena can be much simpler as they now support direct integration. In part 2, we discuss an end-to-end streaming ingestion solution using EventBridge, Lambda, MSK and Athena. We also use AWS SAM integrated with Terraform for developing the producer Lambda function locally.


Streaming ingestion from Kafka (MSK) into Redshift and Athena can be much simpler as they now support direct integration. In part 1, we discuss an end-to-end streaming ingestion solution using EventBridge, Lambda, MSK and Redshift. We also use AWS SAM integrated with Terraform for developing the producer Lambda function locally.


Triggering a Lambda function by an EventBridge Events rule can be used as a serverless replacement of cron job. The highest frequency of it is one invocation per minute so that it cannot be used directly if you need to schedule a Lambda function more frequently. In this post, I’ll demonstrate another serverless solution of scheduling a Lambda function at a sub-minute frequency using Amazon SQS.